Saturday 28 August 2010


Susannah, Deborah and I decided to start our London theatre experiences off with a bang by getting tickets to a performance of the musical HAIR. It was so much fun! The show is a famous musical about US cultural issues in the 1960s: hippies, the draft, anti-war protests, etc.

The actors were fabulous (the New York Broadway ensemble!) and they did a really great job of getting people in the audience involved. There were several times throughout the show that the audience was encouraged to join in the staged protests and songs. Sometimes they came into the audience and played with people's hair, too!

This is a picture I snagged of the stage at intermission. The show was full of trippy-colored lights!

The audience was invited up after the show to dance on the stage. Being the theatre enthusiast that I am, I couldn't resist the chance to show off my rockin' dance moves with all the famous Broadway stars!

Here's a picture from the stage of all the BORING people in the audience who didn't come up and dance!

Being onstage allowed a good picture of some of the actors hanging out on "fire escapes" to the side.

Super fun show! Super great day!

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